Abrahamic hope

Like Abraham
Our father facing
Hopeless hopes
We hope in God
Our Helper

For we are sons
Of Abraham
Not knowing where
Yet knowing
He summons us

Abrahamic “Hope is hope only when one hopes against hope [Rom. 4.18], only when the situation is hopeless. . . . Hope is hope when all I can do is to try to keep hope alive even though there is no hope.

To keep the future open, even when every door has been closed.

When every possibility has been dashed, then the way has been made clear for God, for with God everything is possible, including the impossible.”

John D. Caputo, “The Experience of God and the Axiology of the Impossible,” in The Experience of God: A Postmodern Response, eds. Keven Hart and Barbara Wall (New York: Fordham University Press, 2005), 32-33.